List of university Courses

Course code:EGH1310

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:level 4

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is intended for the students willing to go to develop and improve their skills in expository English writing. It focuses on the writing process which covers organization, structure and development of types of paragraphs. It is also focuses on structure, outline and unity and coherence of essays. In the end of the course APA format will be introduced briefly.

Course code:EGH1311

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:EGH1310

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is designed for students who have already pass Academic English I. It is further develop the academic skills that the students acquired in the previous course.The main focus of the course will be on academic writing. The first part of the course is to introduce the students to different types of academic essays. The students need to utilize their writing skills that they have already learned in the previous course, which focus on writing a paragraph and the structure of an essay. The course will start with are view of how to structure an essay. Then it will move to different types of essays. These essays are: problem-solving, comparing and contrasting argumentative, persuasive and expository. Each type of the essays will be practiced with students by giving them an example of that type which will be also used as a reading comprehension activity. The second part of the course will introduce the students to writing a research paper. The students will be taught the structure of the research paper, how to develop their essays into research papers. They will be taught how to write a good abstract, introduction and conclusion, and how to cite previous academic works.

Course code:HUM1300

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:EGH1310

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop students’ abilities and skills in academic communication, argumentation and debate. The topics of this course train the Students to use sources for academic communication, to produce knowledge, to raise academic questions and to answer the questions scientifically. It also trains them to think critically, to respect others’points of view and also to direct academic arguments. In this course, students are directed to raise questions and analyze the scientific texts logically and critically, i.e. they are guided to conduct a critical analysis of what they read and are provided with opportunities to practice and develop their skills by writing their reflections on the material studied and on their own learning.

Course code:HUM3315

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:MTH3320

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to fundamentals of conducting research. It will teach the students different research methodologies, research designs and parts of the research paper. The curriculum is sequential, helping the students to identify study topics, formulate inquiry questions, organize a literature review, and select appropriate designs and methodologies. By the End of the course, students will complete a proposal that includes an introduction, problem statement (significance of study), literature review, methods section, references, and a project timeline. This work can be converted next year into a full research that will include the following sections: findings, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Course code:SOS1205

credits Hours:2

prerequisite Course:level 4

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course will offer a general mosaic survey of the linguistic, geographical, historical, social, religious, political, cultural, and artistic aspects of the Kurdish people, especially in Iraq. Moreover, the Kurdology is the study of all issues that relate to Kurdish people and Kurdish homeland: Kurdistan. Under topics of Kurdology we will study, the Kurdish language, race of Kurds, Kurdish dialects and their geographic distribution, the structure of the Kurdish society, religion of Kurds, the religious and tribal hierarchy of the Kurdish people, Kurdish political history, Emirates and Kurdish revolutions and political movements,Kurdish folklore, literature, Journalism and modern arts.

Course code: EGH3316

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:EGH1311

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is the peak of English track in which students gain the skills they need to communicate verbally and in writing on a professional level using common technical terminology and idioms from different Health Science fields. Emphasis in the course is in productive language skills, i.e. writing and speaking on medical topics using a formal/professional register.

Course code:CMP1300

credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:level 4

Co requisite Course:

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop students’ computer literacy, keyboarding skills and to meet the needs of students in the associate degree programs and technical certificate programs. The student will learn from hands-on experiences basic skills in file management utilities, word processing, spreadsheets, and graphical presentations in the Windows environment.

List of college Courses

Course Code:MED3300C

Credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:MED2300C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Integrate the general principles, terminology, and modes of spread of disease to the study of Pathology. Build a basic understanding of histopathology and morbid anatomy through the examination of microscopic sections and gross specimens, respectively, displaying pathological processes.

Course Code:MED1100

Credits Hours:1

prerequisite Course: level 4

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

This course introduces prefixes, suffixes, and word roots used in the language of medicine. Topics include medical vocabulary and the terms that relate to the anatomy, physiology, pathological conditions, and treatment of selected systems

Course Code:MED1300C

Credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:level 4

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

General Medical Biology provides a basic introduction to biology, the study of life. A major focus of this course is the cell – its structure and function, cell transport and
cellular energy, and how cells divide. The laboratory will focus on basic molecular techniques including, differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in term of shape, size, and cell division, in addition to nucleic acid isolation, gel electrophoresis,
and PCR techniques.

Course Code:MED1310C

Credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:MED1300

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Human Anatomy  is a laboratory-based course that investigates the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered will include the basic organization of the body and major body systems along with the impact of diseases on certain systems.

Course Code:MED1200

Credits Hours:2

prerequisite Course: MED1300

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Discoveries in genetics is opening up a new era of understanding, both of ourselves and of the world around us. Genetics give us insight into what contributes to our development and individuality. This course is designed to provide students with a
basic understanding of the concepts of human genetics and discuss ramification of gene structure, gene function, how genetic information is passed on from parent to child (inheritance), and an important area within clinical genetics involving diagnosis,
prognosis, risk assessment and in understanding and treating genetic diseases.

Course Code:DEN3211

Credits Hours:2

prerequisite Course:CHM2415C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Course Code:MLS2415C

Credits Hours:4

prerequisite Course:MED1310C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Course Code:CHM2415C

Credits Hours:4

prerequisite Course:MED1310C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Course Code:MED2305C

Credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:MED1310C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Course Code:MLS2405C

Credits Hours:4

prerequisite Course:MLS2415C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

Course Code:MED2200

Credits Hours:2

prerequisite Course:MED1310C

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

A study of the molecular and cellular interactions and principles of the immune system. Topics include immune system development, humoral & cell-mediated immunity, disease and treatments involving immunization, immunodeficiency, and autoimmunity.

Course Code:MTH3320

Credits Hours:3

prerequisite Course:NUR3240

Co requisite Course:

Course Description: 

This course is intended for students interested in statistical computing. … Topics include descriptive statistics, graphical presentation, estimation, hypothesis testing, sample size and power; emphasis on learning statistical methods and concepts through hands-on experience with real data.

List of Department Courses

Course Code:Nur1200c
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: level 4
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This course is a basic course for nursing. The aim of this course is preparing students for nursing care. In this lesson, students will be familiar with the concepts of care and will also acquire the necessary skills of caring for patients. During the program participants will develop their knowledge and skill in nursing and patient care

Course Code:Nur1201c
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: Nur1200c
Co requisite Course:Nur1305c
Course Description: 

This course is in continuation of fundamentals of nursing 1 and engage student in invasive procedures and prepare them to clinical situations. Nursing competencies previously achieved are reinforced and relevant nursing skills strengthened and extended including: vital signs and neurological observations; infection control; administration of parenteral medications; person-centered nursing care; complex wound care

Course Code:Nur1305c
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course: Nur1200c
Co requisite Course:Nur1201c
Course Description: 

This course covers the techniques of history taking and physical examination of healthy individuals. The nurse uses these techniques when identifying patient problems. It includes demonstration and practice of physical assessment techniques with return demonstration to assess student competency

Course Code:Nur2310c
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Nur1205c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

The focus of learning is on the nursing management of adults admitted to acute care facilities with medical–surgical conditions. Students analyze and apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills in clinical case scenarios based on commonly encountered medical–surgical problems This course will cover nursing care in the disorders of the digestive system and endocrine and motor system and skin disorders

Course Code:Nur2311c
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Nur2310c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This course will cover nursing care system in the Renal system disorders, Men and women disorders and diseases, Blood and respiratory system

Course Code:Nur3312c
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course: Nur2311c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This unit will cover nursing care for metabolic diseases, nervous system disorders, communicable and infectious diseases

Course Code:NUR2315c
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR1305c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This course emphasizes the child-bearing cycle, and the related issues of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. It also explores women and infant’s health care and health promotion needs across the lifespan. Students will have opportunities for hospital-based care of child-bearing women and their infants. In addition, community-based experiences with individual women and with groups of women across the life cycle will be provided in order to enhance teaching, interviewing and assessment skills. The care of the woman during the reproductive years and beyond is the focus of this course. Issues of contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and related health problems will be covered.


Course Code:NUR2220
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR1201c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

A life span survey of human growth and development beginning at conception and ending with death. Students will have the opportunity to apply general principles in appropriate educational settings. This subject focuses on the transitions that occur as a consequence of normal lifespan development and the experience of illness from a psychological and nursing perspective. Students are introduced to lifespan development and its assessment highlighting expected milestones in children and adolescents. Concepts of loss, stress, coping and adaptation are explored and the influence of values, beliefs, attitudes and attributions on perceptions of health, illness and health behavior considered


Course Code:NUR2225
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR2220
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

Course is an introduction to mental health nursing and therapeutic communication in nursing. Students begin to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills required for mental health nursing practice, therapeutic communication and reflective practice. This subject explores personal and professional resilience to better enable students to work effectively with complex presentations in mental health and generalist care settings.

Course Code:NUR3326C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR2225
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

Theories and models of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems. Symptoms, causes, and management of common mental disorders seen in primary care settings such as eating disorders, anxiety, substance abuse, and depression. Ethical issues. Focus on patient as individual. Focus is on health promotion/illness prevention as well as the management of common acute and chronic mental health problems with individuals and families.

Course Code:NUR2330C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR2220
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This course considers how nursing influences the health and healing capacities of infants, children, adolescents and their families. It addresses pediatric nursing phenomena of concern and major final common pathways of pediatric illness from infancy through adolescence using a using a developmental and systems approach. Cultural and growth and development variation, psychological development, and family roles and structures are also covered.

Course Code:NUR3331C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR2330C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

Course presents a theoretical base for pediatric nursing practice, including the care of the ill child from birth through adolescence. Pathophysiology of specific body systems and appropriate nursing interventions are discussed.  Emphasis is placed on family-centered care through transitions in the illness and recovery phases

Course Code:NUR2335
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:CHM2415C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description: 

This lesson discusses the principles of nutrition, nutritional components, the role of nutrition in promoting health and nutritional status of individuals, types of nutritional diets in various diseases, and food hygiene.


Course Code:NUR3240
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR2311C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

This course is intended to introduce students to the principles of epidemiology and its application in the analysis of community health problems. The concepts of health and disease, the principles of prevention and its levels, screening, and epidemiologic models of disease treatment are discussed.



Course Code:NUR3345
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR1200c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

The theoretical foundations of health care ethics including definitions of ethics, history of bioethics and nursing ethics, and the influence of religion, psychology of moral development and philosophy in the development of ethical theory. Nursing code of ethics, changing ideas in ethics, and discussion of the developing profession of nursing are included


Course Code:NUR3350C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR3322c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:
 The student, while gaining knowledge of the principles and concepts of emergency care, is prepared to care for people in critical and emergency situations outside the hospital environment or in emergency departments with due regard to the priority of the injured.



Course Code:NUR3355C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR3322c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

This course introduces students to the care of patients with life-threatening conditions. The course focuses on the integration of knowledge and skills required to provide holistic and safe nursing care to critically ill adults/elderly patients in critical care settings. The course includes an introduction to critical care nursing with physical assessment skills, diagnostic procedures, pharmacological interventions, and nutritional measures integrated throughout the content areas. The emphasis is on critical thinking and nursing process as a framework for practice.

Course Code:NUR3360C
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR1310
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:
Course presents an introduction to leadership and management theory and its application in nursing. The focus will include study of power, change strategies, for individuals and groups. Leadership of nursing clinical organizations toward effective nursing practice will be emphasized


Course Code:Nur3265
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR3322c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

students will be familiar with a number of theories and methods for health promotion and disease prevention. The course will have a particular emphasis on the health education and health communication via mass communication


Course Code:NUR3270
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR1310
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

The foundation of a healthy society is to observe the principles of environmental health and to identify the factors affecting it. This course deals with the concepts of environmental health, workplace health, food hygiene, health centers health and disasters and crises   health management.


Course Code:Nur4275
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR3360C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

In this course the students will develop a broad understanding of Fundamental Principles, concepts, trends and issues related to education and nursing education. Further, it would provide opportunity to students to understand, appreciate and acquire skills in teaching and evaluation, curriculum development, implementation, maintenance of standards and accreditation of various nursing educational programs


Course Code:NUR4280
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR3360C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

Introduction to health IT standards, health-related data structures, software applications, and enterprise architecture in health care and public health


Course Code:NUR4285
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite Course:NUR3365c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

populations) and of groups, families, and individuals living within particular communities locally and globally. It addresses the complexity of nursing practice using a public health paradigm. It requires students to draw from prior class and clinical knowledge and skills and apply this practice base to communities across care settings, ages, and cultures with different experiences of equity and access to care. This course is the study of the community public health which is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health.


Course Code:NUR4390
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR3312c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

In this course the students will acquire an understanding of the research methodology and statistical methods as a basis for identifying research problem, planning and implementing a research plan. It will further enable the students to evaluate research studies and utilize research findings to improve quality of nursing practice, education and management.


Course Code:NUR4395c
Credits Hours:3
Prerequisite Course:NUR3355C
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

This course considers how nursing influences the health and healing capacities of older adults. It focuses on the knowledge and skill acquisition needed to care for these patients at particular moments, across the continuum of care, and through transitions in an illness experience. Students are provided with the theoretical background necessary to understand health system issues affecting older adults. Students will attain the knowledge necessary to complete a comprehensive assessment of the older adult’s physical, functional, psychosocial, and cognitive capacities.


Course Code:Nur42110
Credits Hours:2
Prerequisite CourseNUR3375c
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

This lesson prepares students to care for patients with chronic illnesses at home and under family care. Students can guide families in proper patient care


Course Code:NUR44105
Credits Hours:4
Prerequisite Course:117CH
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

 This course gives opportunity to students to design a real research proposal with coordination of their colleagues and instructors. Students prepare all parts of their proposal including a suitable title, background and methodology in a teamwork. Crucial criteria of research such as professional research attitude, teamwork, and ethical issues are all get discussed. Students may start their practical work in this course during their conducting of lab rotation program in hospitals. The proposed project must be approved by the department. Written reports, submission of the graduation project and final oral presentation is required


Course Code:NUR49100R
Credits Hours:9
Prerequisite Course:117CH
Co requisite Course:
Course Description:

a clinical experience on nursing care of hospitalized people in all departments including:

1-Adult nursing 1

2-Adult nursing 2

3-Adult nursing 3

4-Pediatric nursing

5-Emergency and Disaster Nursing

6-Public health nursing

7-Maternity and newborn nursing