Mohammed, a nursing student, tells us about his experience in Syrian refugees camp

New day & new experience!
As a part of clinical practice for Pediatric nursing I, today we had an academic tour to Syrian refugees camp (Sulaimaniya-Arbat), and we got to know many wonderful, creative, and energetic children. We had a great time together & we did some great activities and gave some tips and instructions to the kids, also we were able to give them some simple gifts to put a smile on their innocent and beautiful faces.
meeting these children far from their home, their relatives, and their friends, living a harsh life like this, depriving a lot of things, and all this destruction as a product of war; instilled in me a burning desire to do some thing.
War hinders the authorities to meet children and their family’s basic needs such as food, water, shelter, health services, and education. Failure to meet these basic requirements may deprive children of their physical, social, emotional, and psychological growth and development.
All these things I have seen and the stories I have heard can be a good lesson for all of us to value what we have! ON top of that we must keep supporting and helping these vulnerable population in order to pave the way for a brilliant future free of war and hostility.
Finally, my wishes are to see these people return to their country and shelter, and to live in peace….